Epsilon Omega Zeta Chapter
Local History
Epsilon Omega Zeta Chapter was chartered on May 4, 1958 at the residence of Anita T. Anderson in Coatesville, PA. During the meeting, two women were initiated, Sarah Prout and Ruby Jones. The new chapter elected officers and immediately following the ceremony held a banquet at Coach and Four Inn in Coatesville, PA.
Anita T. Anderson; Martha Batchelor; Lucille Chapman; Alice Roye,; Viola Morgan;
Sarah Prout; Ruby Jones;
Our Mission
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated, Epsilon Omega Zeta Chapter is a Community Conscious, Action Oriented Chapter that supports the Chester County Pennsylvania Community through our innovative programming, education and scholarship support for high school students, health awareness initiatives and community service.
Our Vision
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Epsilon Omega Zeta Chapter will be the preeminent organization in Chester County Pennsylvania that provides avenues for women to effectuate social change through volunteerism, scholarship, education, and the expression of sisterly love and finer womanhood. We will serve as a beacon of inspiration for all of humanity to achieve social civility and embrace altruism in its purest form.
Our Values
Quality - We achieve and maintain the highest standards of excellence in everything we do individually and collectively.
Positive Results – We care about bottom line results, but not everything is about money. We partner with other organizations to bring about positive change that sometimes can only be measured in smiles, hugs, and the good feelings that are created because of what we do. Altruism is at the very heart of our mission and is the nucleus of our service initiatives.
Ethics & Integrity -We actively promote and encourage ethical behavior paramount to none other. We recognize and uphold all laws and regulations relating to the ethical discharge of our responsibilities. We uphold the integrity of our great sorority by always communicating internal and external statements in a truthful and accurate manner.
Reputation - We remain loyal to Zeta Phi Beta and pursue its objectives in ways that are consistent with the public interest to achieve maximum results for the people who benefit from our work. Constantly aware of what our name means to our constituents and supporters, we work diligently to associate with those who foster programs and ideas that advance the sorority’s purpose.
Standards & Values - We are committed to upholding the principles, standards, and values of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Adopted from Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated, Atlantic Region.